
A. The Significance of Alumni Associations in Fostering Connection and Growth

Alumni associations serve as bridges between past and present, fostering a sense of continuity and community within educational institutions. These organizations play a pivotal role in nurturing lifelong relationships, facilitating professional networking, and supporting the alma mater’s ongoing development. The importance of alumni associations cannot be overstated, as they contribute to the enhancement of both personal and institutional growth.

Firstly, alumni associations serve as custodians of tradition and heritage. They keep the flame of institutional memory alive by organizing reunions, alumni events, and maintaining communication channels between graduates. Through these activities, alumni are able to reconnect with classmates, reminisce about shared experiences, and strengthen their bond with their alma mater. This sense of belonging instills pride in one’s educational journey and encourages continued engagement with the institution.

Moreover, alumni associations provide invaluable networking opportunities for graduates, post graduates. Alumni often pursue diverse career paths, spanning various industries and sectors. By tapping into this vast network, individuals can access mentorship, job opportunities, and professional development resources. Alumni connections can open doors to new possibilities, whether it’s landing a job, seeking advice, or expanding one’s professional circle. Through mentorship programs, alumni associations facilitate knowledge sharing and skill development, empowering both recent graduates and seasoned professionals alike.

Additionally, alumni associations play a vital role in fundraising and philanthropy efforts. Alumni are often willing to give back to their alma mater, whether through monetary donations, volunteering, or other forms of support. These contributions enable institutions to enhance their academic programs, improve facilities, and provide scholarships to deserving students. Alumni donations serve as a testament to the enduring impact of education and the collective responsibility to invest in future generations.

Furthermore, alumni associations serve as ambassadors for their alma mater. Alumni often act as advocates, promoting the institution’s reputation and achievements within their communities and professional circles. Positive word-of-mouth endorsements from satisfied graduates can significantly enhance the institution’s visibility and credibility. Alumni engagement contributes to the overall reputation and prestige of the alma mater, attracting prospective students, faculty, and partners.

In conclusion, alumni associations play a multifaceted role in fostering connection and growth within educational institutions. From preserving tradition to facilitating networking and philanthropy, these organizations are instrumental in nurturing lifelong relationships and advancing the mission of the alma mater. The importance of alumni associations lies not only in their ability to strengthen ties between graduates and their alma mater but also in their capacity to create a ripple effect of positive influence within society. As stewards of institutional legacy and champions of ongoing progress, alumni associations embody the spirit of lifelong learning and community engagement.

Sankareswar Datta - President Krishnagar Govt. College Alumni Association

B. Krishnagar Government College Alumni Association

Formation and Activities

Krishnagar Govt. College, formerly known as Krishnagar College was established in the year 1846. An imposing and picturesque  building  designed by Burn & Co. was built on over 3 bighas of land at the centre of over 100 bighas of land. Considering the glorious past of the college which is on the threshold of 200 years of age and also its architectural marvel, the Heritage Commission of the Government of West Bengal declared it an Heritage site and a Heritage institution a few years back.

Around the middle of 2008, the Principal of the college Dr. Prabir Kumar Das felt the need to form an Alumni Association in the college in view of the impending NAAC visit in 2009 and also to take the help of the Alumni Association in matters of  improvement of the academic environment in the college. He requested me to take active initiative in this matter. I was a teacher in the Department of Chemistry at that time. A general meeting was organized where a large number of pass-out students of the college participated. A resolution was adopted to form an association named as Krishnagar Government College Alumni Association. The Association was subsequently registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. The first Executive Committee of the Association was composed of  Professor Prabir Kumar Das, Patron,  Dr. Dhirendranath Biswas  President, 3 Vice-Presidents Sri Kanailal Biswas, Smt. Bharati Das, Sri Brojendra Nath Dutta ,  Secretary, Dr. Pijush Kumar Tarafder,  Treasurer Sri Khagendra Kumar Datta,  3 Assistant Secretaries,  Sri Dipak Kumar Biswas, Sri Sudipta Pramanick, Sri Shyama Prasad Biswas, Assistant Treasurer Sri Samir Kumar Halder , and 9 other Members  Sri Dilip Guha, Sri Deb Kumar Ray, Sri Monotosh Chakrabarty, Sri Apurba Bag, Sri Dipankar Das, Sri Asit Nath Ganguli,  Smt. Manjulika Sarkar, Sri Sirajul Islam, Sri Tapas Kumar Modak.

Education lovers of Krishnanagar under the banner of ‘Sikshangan Raksha Committee’ raised voice against the proposed construction of a Sports Complex on the play ground of the college. The newly formed Alumni Association also joined in the protest. Finally the work had to be stopped and the proposal was withdrawn.

The NAAC Peer Team in 2009 gave due recognition to the Alumni Association and team members endorsed our demand for a Deemed University status for the college considering the glorious past of the college, huge potential in regard to land, buildings, teaching and non-teaching staff  and other infrastructure. The NAAC Peer Team recommended an Autonomous status. Unfortunately, no such step has been taken yet by the Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. Rather no permanent Principal has been appointed for the college for more than 6 years now an a large number of teaching and non-teaching staff are lying vacant for years. The Alumni Association has been constantly  raised its voice through deputations etc. for redressal of this appalling condition and the up gradation of the college.

The Alumni Association has been able to organize Re-Unions of past students every year successfully. It has also taken active role in some of the development work  in the college including cultural events jointly  with the Students Union, science exhibition, campus cleaning programme etc.

Every year, the birth anniversary of Dwijendralal Ray is observed at the college premises  with due reverence.

The students securing highest marks in the honours subjects in the final examinations are awarded prizes by the Alumni Association in the annual prize distribution ceremony.

The Alumni Association has been strongly opposed to the establishment of the Kanyashree University  on the land possessed by the Government College. The Association has also strongly protested against the Government proposal to establish the Guruchand  Harichand University on the college land.

The Alumni Association always remains in close touch with the college authorities for improvement of the academic environment in the college. Promotion, Preservation and Protection have been the motto of the Alumni Association.

Dr. Pijush Kumar Tarafder - Founder Secretary, KGCAA (2008-2015)

C. বর্তমান সম্পাদকের প্রতিবেদন